Morning Cortisol

Morning Cortisol

About Cortisol

Cortisol, often referred to as the "stress hormone," is produced by the adrenal glands and plays a pivotal role in managing stress, metabolism, and immune responses. It also helps regulate blood sugar and inflammation. Its levels fluctuate throughout the day due to our circadian rhythm. Abnormal levels can suggest health issues like chronic stress or adrenal disorders.

What should you know about Morning Cortisol?

Morning cortisol levels outside the reference range often indicate chronic stress and inadequate or poor quality sleep. In some cases, there may be underlying health problems that require medical consultation. However, if it is a reaction to stress and inadequate sleep, these circumstances can be addressed by lifestyle modification.


Tracking daily cortisol levels can aid in identifying imbalances in stress response, sleep patterns, and metabolic health. It can guide lifestyle adjustments, signal when to seek medical attention. It is also advisable to retest after implementing the changes meant to reduce your stress, to see whether they were actually effective.

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Tracking daily cortisol levels can aid in identifying imbalances in stress response, sleep patterns, and metabolic health. It can guide lifestyle adjustments, signal when to seek medical attention. It is also advisable to retest after implementing the changes meant to reduce your stress, to see whether they were actually effective.


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