Caffeine Metabolism

Caffeine Metabolism

This article is currently being worked on. A more in-depth version will be released soon.

About Caffeine Metabolism

Caffeine is a stimulant mainly found in tea, coffee or energy drinks. It's the most consumed psychoactive substance in the world, stimulating the nervous system, muscles and heart. Peak of the caffeine blood levels occurs within 15–45 minutes of consumption.

How do genetics affect caffeine metabolism?

The genetics of caffeine metabolism determine how long it takes our body to break down caffeine. If you have a fast metabolism, it will take your body less time to break down caffeine than if you have a slow one. The effects on the overall health (e.g. glucose levels, ...) of an individual are currently being investigated.


Consumption of caffeine-containing drinks especially in the afternoon or evening can disrupt your sleep. Therefore it is advisable to drink less caffeine or avoid it altogether before sleep. Larger doses might cause headache, anxiety and even irregular heartbeat.

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Consumption of caffeine-containing drinks especially in the afternoon or evening can disrupt your sleep. Therefore it is advisable to drink less caffeine or avoid it altogether before sleep. Larger doses might cause headache, anxiety and even irregular heartbeat.


We are currently working on preparing a better list of references and studies. It will be ready soon!

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