

This article is currently being worked on. A more in-depth version will be released soon.

Observed genes

Polygenic score

Influential genes: MUC1

There is a variant of the MUC1 gene that is linked to marginally decreased magnesium levels in the blood.

About Magnesium

Magnesium is an essential nutrient for the human body that helps regulate nerve and muscle function, promotes bone health and maintains a steady heart rhythm.

What happens if you don't get enough?

Muscle weakness and frequent cramps can be the first signs of hypomagnesemia (decresed levels of magnesium). It can also lead to more severe complications like various heart arrhythmias, seizures, and even cardiac arrest. A connection with diabetes, osteoporosis, and migraines has also been established.


Ideal sources of magnesium are foods such as beans, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, dark chocolate, fish and meat. If supplementation in the diet is not sufficient, you may consider dietary supplements, but remember that they can never fully replace food.

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Ideal sources of magnesium are foods such as beans, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, dark chocolate, fish and meat. If supplementation in the diet is not sufficient, you may consider dietary supplements, but remember that they can never fully replace food.


We are currently working on preparing a better list of references and studies. It will be ready soon!

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