Genetic Height

Genetic Height

This article is currently being worked on. A more in-depth version will be released soon.

Observed genes

Polygenic score

Influential genes: PAWR

PAWR gene has been linked to the differens in heigth between Europeans and Americans.

About Genetic Height

80 % of the final body height is estimated to be determined by your DNA. Nevertheless, environmental factors such as childhood diseases, nutrition, and even socioeconomic factors undoubtedly play a major role in your growth.

What can contribute to the height loss?

Loss of height is a natural part of aging, whether due to osteoporosis or other spinal diseases. On average, men can lose about 2.5 centimetres of height between the ages of 30 and 70, while women can lose up to 5 centimetres of height over the same period of time.


This genetic score serves only as a rough estimate of how your genetics have affected your height as an adult and how they affect the height of your children. The generally accepted formula used to predict final height (±10 cm) is [mother's height + (father's height ±13 cm)]/2. (+ for boys, - for girls).

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This genetic score serves only as a rough estimate of how your genetics have affected your height as an adult and how they affect the height of your children. The generally accepted formula used to predict final height (±10 cm) is [mother's height + (father's height ±13 cm)]/2. (+ for boys, - for girls).


We are currently working on preparing a better list of references and studies. It will be ready soon!

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